Saturday, February 7, 2015

Make Calendar in Oracle Apps

Followed these Steps which is of no use in Oracle apps.

1. Create a new MODULE in Forms Builder
2. Then open the stndrd20.olb file (this .olb file is located
3. You will see 'STANDARDS' appear under 'Object Libraries' in the Object
4. Double click on the book-like icon next to 'STANDARDS'
5. Expand the object library window that appears
6. Click on the 'COMPONENTS' tab
7. Look for the 'CALENDAR' object library
8. Drag-n-drop the 'CALENDAR' object into your new form
9. Notice all the new items are now in your form marked with a red arrow*
*The red arrow means that the items are subclassed.
10. Attach the PL/SQL library CALENDAR.PLL
(this .pll file is also located in the ORACLE_HOME/TOOLS/DEVDEMXX/Forms
11. In Forms, Create a new block on a new canvas
12. Create a Key-Listval trigger on the date item for which you
would like to use the Date LOV Window. Add the below code to display the
calendar using the Date_LOV package.

date_lov.get_date(sysdate, -- initial date
'emp.hiredate', -- return block.item
240, -- window x position
60, -- window y position
'Start Date', -- window title
'OK', -- ok button label
'Cancel', -- cancel button label

13. If you want the end user to be able to close the Date List of Values
window by clicking the window close button (the X) in the title bar, create a
form-level When-Window-Closed trigger with the following code:

When-Window-Closed trigger:

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